Y10 Work Experience


As part of our work experience programme here at Meden, we believe it is crucial to support our community to enable Meden students to make informed decisions about the next steps they will take towards aspirational roles in their chosen career paths.

We would like to involve you to be as involved in this process as you possibly can, because evidence shows that the more young people are engaged in conversations around careers, the better their outcomes are toward succeeding in these.

As part of our careers programme, we support our Year 10 students to enagage in work experience placements during the spring term and it is a really worthwhile experience for them.

Work Experience will take place from Monday 19th to Friday 23rd May 2025

Students have been issued with everything they need if you need a copy of these we have placed them below so that you can help your young person through the process of finding a placement. There is also the registration form that needs to be completed once a placement has been agreed. (Click on the links below to open up the documents.)

Keeping you informed

To streamline the communication between school and home, you will receive email alerts whenever your child reaches a milestone on the way to finding a placement. Examples are as follows:

Milestones reached by students where email messages will be sent.

  1. Spoken with Employer for work experience.
  2. Form sent for work experience.
  3. Emailed employer for work experience.
  4. Form returned to student for work experience.
  5. Forms returned to school
  6. Conditional offer of place from employer.

These are logged by your child's tutor.

Students gain so many new skills during their work experience placements. They help to improve confidence, communication skills and give students a real taste of what it is like in the world of work. Past students have secured some amazing placements. The earlier that you inquire about a placement, the more likely it is to be approved.

If you do have any further questions about work experience that cannot be answered in the guide, than our contact in school is Mr Hill. chill@medenschool.co.uk