

A Guide to Meden School Uniform- click on image below for the full guide

A uniform is important in instilling in students a sense of belonging, as well as a pride in themselves and their school. We maintain an extremely high standard of dress and ask that parents continue to support us in our efforts to ensure a continuance of these standards. We also ask that parents ensure that their children are always smart and tidy in appearance.

Would parents please note that extremes of fashion or unusual hairstyles are not permitted. Hair should be of a natural colour.

All equipment is given to students and there is an expectation that all students have a school bag.

If parents are unsure about any item of uniform or equipment, please contact the school before you agree to your child’s request or refer to this guide for examples of images illustrating acceptable and unacceptable uniform.

  • The school has high standards when it comes to uniform
  • Pupils’ individual standards:
    – Be smart
    – Stand out from the crowd
  • Blazer and tie can be purchased from our uniform supplier (Academy School Uniforms)

Meden uniform is available from the online shop. Please use the following link to set up an account:

Meden Uniform Ordering Site

Please note that whilst the online ordering system does offer a selection of other uniform items (for instance, trousers/shirts/shorts/PE socks), you are not obliged to order these items here but can in fact purchase them anywhere you wish to, providing they meet the required standard below.

If any parents/carers do not have access to the internet or have any other issues ordering the uniform then please contact our finance officer Mrs Jones (ajones@medenschool.co.uk) who can help you with this.

​​School Dress Code

We pride ourselves with high standards of dress in school and ask for the co-operation of students and parents in maintaining these. A high standard of dress impacts on the working ethos of the school and how the wider community views our students.

Uniform Expectations


Black with school badge - only available using our online system. Sleeves must not be rolled up.

Boys Blazers Girls Blazer


Meden School tie. - available using our online system.


Black (trousers should be properly tailored cloth, NOT tight-fitting, skinny fit or hipsters) No skirts are permitted.


White formal shirt with stiff collar – NO fitted shirts or blouses (shirts must be tucked in at all times).


Plain black lace-up or slip-on (heels no more than 2") – NO trainers or boots to be worn.

JUMPER (optional)

MUST be black v-neck – NOT cardigans. NO HOODIES


Plain dark raincoat, duffel or anorak. A discreet logo is allowed. Hoodies are not permissible and will be confiscated from the student.


Hats should NOT be worn in and around the school building.


Students should NOT wear jewellery except a wrist watch and one pair of small stud earrings

Nose and Tongue Piercings are not permitted


Hairstyles should be neat and presentable. Natural hair colours only – NO extreme styles including patterns shaved into hair. The school will be the final arbiter of the term 'extreme'.


Should not be worn at KS3 (Yr. 7 & 8). Subtle make-up can be worn at KS4 (Yrs. 9, 10 & 11). Students will be asked to remove any make up that is judged to be unsuitable or that does not adhere to these guidelines


Plain black discreet belts are permissible.

It is appreciated that a considerable amount of money is spent on school uniform and the staff want to help to keep it clean and wearable. If a student can provide an old shirt or apron for use in Art and Craft it will prevent accidents that may occur when using paint and clay.

PE Kit


  • Polo PE top- Meden branded - available from our online ordering system only
  • Navy/Black PE shorts (not cycling shorts) - can be purchased on our online system but any plain items acceptable
  • Navy PE Socks (football socks) - can be purchased on our online system or other store
  • shin pads (advised)
  • trainers

Optional items

Fleece Meden branded - available from our online ordering system only

Navy/Black jogging bottoms - plain

Mouth guard (highly recommended)

football boots ( highly recommended when playing football/rugby)

Special Consideration

Parents/Carers can apply in writing to the School Governing Body if they wish their child(ren) to wear different items for religious, cultural or health reasons.

For children with SEND needs contact our Inclusion team on send@medenschool.co.uk

Uniform and Equipment

March 2025


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