
Home Learning (Homework)

Home Learning for students at Meden School is set through My Child At School.

Using your parent portal login, you will be able to see when homework is set, the details of the homework, and when it is due. Click here to find out how to access the portal if you are unsure.

Each year group has a different timetable that gives information on what homework to expect on which days.

These can be accessed below.

Homework Timetables per year group

How is home learning set and how will students know what tasks to complete for home learning?

Teachers set home learning every week. A home learning timetable has been created for students to access and follow (See above). All home learning is set via My Child At School (MCAS) where you will find information about what the home learning is to complete and when it should be completed.

What activities will be set for home learning?

Home learning is combined with our revision curriculum. Each key stage is taught specific revision strategies to help them to know and remember more.

Click here to see our Revision Curriculum

In Key Stage 3, the three revision strategies we teach are flashcards, 'look, say, cover, write, check', and brain dump.

Click here to see our Key Stage 3 Homework Revision Guide.

In Key Stage 4, the three revision strategies we teach are flashcards, self-quizzing, and practice. The strategies are an opportunity for students to retrieve, review and consolidate learning that has taken place in the classroom. This is an important part of the learning journey for students as they begin to transfer knowledge from the short to the long-term memory.

What digital platforms are used for home learning?

In Key Stage 4, students may use GCSE Pod, Doctor Frost, Seneca and Microsoft Forms to support them with the revision strategy of self-quizzing. Your child will be given login access for any apps used.

Our main systems are:

Office.com - All students have access to all office software including Outlook ,Word, Powerpoint, Excel and other packages. These are all free and work using a student email and their login password set at school. All of these work inside a web browser and require no software being installed.

Onedrive - All student files are saved to Onedrive. This is cloud storage which means their files can be accessed anywhere in the world through a web browser. Any work saved at school is directly accessible from home.

MS Teams - Teams is a collaboration app that allows students to see all their subjects in one place. Staff can share lessons, resources and assignments and students can upload completed work back to the platform. This is the first place a student should come to see what work they can do, especially if they missed it for any reason.

GCSE Pod - All students have been given a login for GCSEPod.com. This site has thousands of revision videos and quizzes (called Check and Challenge). It is a good place for students to search for topics they have covered recently in almost any lesson. Staff can also set assignments and questions through this site.

Seneca - All students have been given a login for Seneca. This site is used for quizzing and topic consolidation in some subjects such as English and science. It is a good place for students to search for topics they have covered recently in almost any lesson. Staff can also set assignments and questions through this site.

Training Videos/Guides

A guide for how to use MCAS.

A guide for how to view your child's homework.

A video for parents and students on how to use the student portal on MCAS.

How long should students spend on each home learning task?

KS3 Years 7,8,9 – each task should take twenty minutes and there is one piece per night for four days and two pieces for the remaining weekday.

KS4 Years 10 & 11 – each task should take thirty minutes and there is one piece per night for three days equating to 30 minutes and two pieces per night for two days equating to one hour

Does your child record their home learning?

Yes, they have a homework planner to record it in and access to the Microsoft Teams calendar which has the homework recorded.

Will there be support with home learning at school?

At Meden, we understand that it may not always be possible for students to complete their home learning at home. We are committed to giving every student the best possible chance of success in their learning and, as such, Breakfast Club and Homework Club are available.

Breakfast Club takes place every day before school at 8:30am until 8:45am in the canteen. Students can attend as often as they like.

Homework Club takes place every Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays after school at 3:10pm until 4:00 pm in the library. Students can sign up for homework club at any time and they will be offered the time and space to do their work in a supportive environment.

What if my child does not have access to IT resources?

The school can support you with this. Please contact us to request a Chromebook.

What if my child is having issues accessing the digital platforms?

Please ask them to tell their tutor who will log it on our IT system so the issue can be fixed. Your child will not be given a break time detention if this happens.

Should you have any questions regarding home learning, please do not hesitate to get in touch with your child's tutor.

September 2024


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