Welcome to the Maths Department

The mission of the mathematics department is to provide an environment where students can learn and become competent users of mathematics and mathematical application. Moreover, the department will contribute to the development of students as mathematical thinkers, enabling them to become lifelong learners, to continue to grow in their chosen professions, and to function as productive citizens.

The aims of teaching and learning mathematics are to encourage and enable students to:

  • recognize that mathematics permeates the world around us
  • appreciate the usefulness, power, and beauty of mathematics.
  • enjoy mathematics and develop patience and persistence when solving problems.

The curriculum is designed with a mastery approach building on prior knowledge, to ensure long-term development of mathematical confidence and competence by creating an environment where students are challenged, love to learn and develop positive attributes as well as a curiosity about the world in which they live. They gain an understanding of how and why the maths that they study will contribute to their lives as well as allow them to contribute positively to society through project-based tasks linked to real life scenarios.

The curriculum has been balanced with a breadth of experiences and tasks to ensure a holistic approach, thus, creating well rounded learners who are fluent, can reason mathematically, problem solve and articulate their understanding/findings of maths content.

No matter what the students starting point is, the scheme of learning ensures high expectations for all by supporting different learning pathways and empowers students to reach their potential; long term enabling a greater social mobility by providing them with the opportunity to progress onto which ever career they desire. As a result, the skills gained will allow students to not only be successful citizens but to also contribute to the local and wider economical community and the changing world.


October 2024


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