Below is information about our KS3 curriculum. Each drop down box contains the topics we cover. For more detail on the knowledge we teach, please click on each medium term plan. Our curriculum map shows the learning journey that our students embark upon.
In Year 7, students study the following topics:
- What is religion? Is religion dying or growing or both?
- What is it like to be a member of one particular religion in Britain today?
- What can we learn from visiting places of worship?
In Year 8, students study the following topics:
- Why believe in God? What is easy and what is challenging about being a teenage believer?
- What will make our communities more respectful?
- Where can we find wisdom to live by?
In Year 9, students study the following topics:
- Does being religious make it easier or harder to be good?
- Are the ideas of science and religion compatible?
- Does religion make peace or cause war?
Click map to enlarge