Web Links

Use the links below to visit our favourite sites. Use the link in the 'Related Downloads' panel to view or download a PDF version of this list which you can then either save or print out for future reference.

Useful Sites

AQA Course informationBefore starting to revise the psychology AQA specification sets out what the exam board thinks you need to know is a good starting point for any student of A level Sociology
Tutor2uThis is website that can be used by students for extended reading, video’s, resources and extra support materials to guide their independent learning outside of the lesson
Simply PsychologyThis website provides revision notes, simplified explanations of complex material, support reading and is a useful website for students to regularly visit to consolidate learning
Psychology TodayThis is a great way of getting up to date information on a whole range of contemporary psychological research. This magazine contains links to contemporary research linked to world events and can be used to evidence wider reading in students written work.
PsychcentralThis blog allows the real-life application of psychological research to be discussed. It links knowledge to the “real world” and can provide great examples students can use in their work.

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