The purpose of studying ICT is to prepare students for working life, so that they are able to develop transferable skills, which will encompass any career and job opportunity. ICT and digital literacy are essential skills for modern life. The digital sector is a major source of employment in the UK. Around 1.46 million people work in digital companies and there are around 45,000 digital jobs advertised at any one time. Digital skills span all industries, and almost all jobs in the UK today require employees to have a good level of digital literacy. The UK has positioned itself to be the ‘Digital capital of Europe’ as it continues to invest billions every year in digital skills and commerce. The modern world expects digital skills to be as important as English and Maths. Therefore, having both technical skills and business understanding is the key to success.

At Key Stage 4, students can study the BTEC Tech Award in Digital Information Technology.

Below is information about our KS4 curriculum. Each drop down box contains the topics we cover in the BTEC in Digital Information Technology. For more detail on the knowledge we teach, please click on each medium-term plan. Our curriculum map shows the learning journey that our students embark upon.

In Year 10, students study the following topics:

Coursework 1 topics

  • User Interfaces 
  • Audience Needs
  • Design Principles 
  • Designing an effective interface 
  • Planning techniques 
  • Project Proposal 
  • Designing and Developing user interfaces 

Coursework 2 topics

  • Characteristics of Data 
  • Representing Information 
  • Data collection 
  • Quality of information 
  • Data modelling 
  • Threats
  • Data processing 
  • Designing an effective dashboard
  • Analysing data  

Year 10 MTP 1

Year 10 MTP 2

Year 10 MTP 3

Year 10 MTP 4

In Year 11, students study the following topics:

Component 3 Exam Topics

  • Modern Technology 
  • Cyber security 
  • Wider Implications of digital systems 
  • Planning and communicating in digital systems

Year 11 MTP 1

Year 11 MTP 2

Year 11 MTP 3

Year 11 MTP 4

July 2024


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