KS4 CNAT Business

In Business at KS4, Year 11 study the Cambridge National Enterprise and Marketing qualification. The key aims of our curriculum are:

  • To inspire future entrepreneurs which can contribute to the 21st century world of work in a variety of aspects linked to business & enterprise career roles
  • To promote an enjoyment and interest in the subject which can be strengthened and developed over time
  • To develop key business & enterprise values
  • To exploit opportunities to experience the world of work, including work experience and industry visits

Students are given the opportunity to develop knowledge and understanding of key transferable skills that can be progressively developed leading to a successful career pathway in business & enterprise.

Below is more detailed information about our KS4 curriculum. Each drop down box contains the topics we cover. For more detail on the knowledge we teach, please click on each medium term plan. Our curriculum map shows the learning journey that our students embark upon.

In Year 11, students study the following topics:

RO64 Enterprise and Marketing Concepts

  • Market segmentation
  • Market research
  • Customer feedback techniques
  • Product life cycle and extension strategies
  • Product differentiation
  • External factors on product development
  • How to attract and retain customers
  • Pricing strategies
  • Advertising sales, promotion and customer service
  • Costs, revenue and profit
  • Break even
  • Sources of finance, business plans and functional areas

RO65 Desing a Business Proposal

  • Market segmentation and customer profile
  • Collation of market research, analysisng data, and presenting research findings
  • Develop a design proposal, draft design, and self and peer assess proposal
  • Review product design
  • Respond to feedback and final design presentation
  • Costs, revenue and profit of proposal
  • Pricing strategy
  • Break even
  • Risk of proposal and overall viability

RO66 Market and Pitch a Business Proposal

  • Brand identity
  • Branding and brand  image
  • Plan brand ideas
  • Formulate designs
  • Promote the product: promotion objectives, promotion methods
  • Plan a pitch to an audience
  • Pitch to peers
  • Support peers
  • Review and practise pitch
  • Deliver a professional pitch
  • Review strengths and weaknesses
  • Evaluation and recommendations
  • Review business proposal using evidence for future development and refinement

Year 11 MTP 1

Year 11 MTP 2

Year 11 MTP 3

July 2024


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