In KS4, students continue with the appropriate foundation/higher pathway, focusing more on new content as well as exam technique.
Below is information about our KS4 curriculum. Each drop down box contains the topics we cover. For more detail on the knowledge we teach, please click on each medium term plan. Our curriculum map shows the learning journey that our students embark upon.
In Year 10, foundation students study the following topics:
- Number review
- Compound measures
- Solving equations
- Transformations, vectors, congruence and similarity
- Inequalities and iteration
- Collecting and representing data
- Rearranging and simultaneous equations
- Proportional reasoning
- Further trigonometry
- Circle Theorems
- Functions and inverse functions
- Scale drawings
- Other graphs
- Proof
Year 10 MTP Ratio and Proportion
In Year 10, higher students study the following topics:
- Number review
- Compound measures
- Solving quadratics
- Transformations, vectors, congruence and similarity
- Inequalities and iteration
- Collecting and representing data
- Rearranging and simultaneous equations
- Proportional reasoning
- Further trigonometry
- Circle theorems
- Functions and inverse functions
- Scale drawings
- Other graphs
- Proof
Year 11 students follow a tailored sequence of topics based on gap analysis and commonly assessed topics, there will be a greater focus on exam technique/practice than previous years in preparation for the final exams in May/June.
Year 10 Sequence of Learning: click to enlarge
Foundation Pathway
Higher Pathway
Year 11
Year 11 students follow a tailored sequence of topics based on gap analysis and commonly assessed topics, there will be a greater focus on exam technique/practice than previous years in preparation for the final exams in May/June.