During the key stage 3 learning journey we want our students to gain knowledge and understanding of Britain’s past and that of the wider world. Studying History should inspire pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past.

We want our students to have a strong grasp of key historical skills and to be challenged to think critically through the use of evidence.

Meden students will learn to be able develop arguments and judgements in regards to key historical topics.

We want Meden students to understand the complexity of people’s lives, the diversity of societies and relationships between different groups, as well as the challenges of their time.

Their key stage 3 experience at Meden will set them up for continuing their learning journey with us at GCSE.

Below is information about our KS3 curriculum. Each drop down box contains the topics we cover. For more detail on the knowledge we teach, please click on each medium term plan. Our curriculum map shows the learning journey that our students embark upon.

In Year 7,  students study the following topics:

  • Key History Skills
  • Normans and Castles
  • Medieval Life
  • Crusades
  • The English Reformation and Counter-Reformation
  • The causes and events of the civil wars throughout Britain: The Interregnum

Year 7 MTP 1

Year 7 MTP 2

Year 7 MTP 3

Year 7 MTP 4

Year 7 MTP 5

Year 7 MTP 6

In Year 8, students study the following topics:

  • Britain's Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade: its effects and its eventual abolition
  • Britain as the first Industrial Nation: the impact on society
  • The Development of the British Empire with an in-depth study, for example, India
  • The First World War and the Peace Settlement
  • Women's Suffrage

Year 8 MTP 1

Year 8 MTP 2

Year 8 MTP 3

Year 8 MTP 4

Year 8 MTP 5

In Year 9, students study the following topics:

  • The Second World War and the wartime leadership of Winston Churchill 
  • The Holocaust 
  • USA in the 20th century (Civil rights) and Windrush 

Year 9 MTP 1

Year 9 MTP 2

Year 9 MTP 3

Year 9 MTP 4

Click map to enlarge.

December 2024


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