NewsletterSafeguarding Newsletter

~ June 2023 ~

As a commitment to safeguarding our students we aim to provide clear and detailed    information to both parents and students. Our website is fully up to date with a range of information, including parental support videos, and links that can help you and your child. Full details can be found on the link below.

If you have any concerns about a student or any member of our community you can contact the Notts MASH Team on the out of office number below.

0300 456 4546

You can also contact MASH during office hours on the number bellow.  Referrals can be made anonymously on.

0300 500 80 90

MASH will also take online referrals on their website.

This year at Meden we have continued to work with the Anti-Bullying Alliance. We want to create a calm and safe school, that is welcoming to all young people. Bullying is when someone is being hurt either by words or actions on purpose, usually more than once and they are left feeling hurt and confused by this. It can happen at any time and in any place. Bullying takes place in many types of relationships. It can happen when friendship groups change or break up, or when people don’t agree. It is behaviour that makes people feel hurt, threatened, frightened and left out. It can happen face-to-face or online.

 Bullying behaviour can harm children physically or emotionally and can effect their success at school. Bullying can also effect attendance at school. At Meden School we have a clear Anti-Bullying Policy that enables our staff to spot the signs of bullying and we have a culture that will not accept “banter” in any form. This policy combined with our positive culture outlines our determination to prevent bullying and provide a safe, caring and supportive environment to all our students.

 No one ever deserves to be bullied

Bullies often downplay their actions by claiming it was a bit of fun, a joke or a misunderstanding. We will not accept this as an excuse and will not allow “banter” to dominate our school. We will work to ensure all our students feel safe in their relationships.

In some cases children may not realise their behaviour is bullying. They may be copying behaviour they have seen or experienced themselves. They may not be intentionally bullying another person but the impact is still the same. In these circumstances we will seek to support the bully by educating them on the types of behaviour we want at our school, so that continues to be a safe, supportive and caring community.

Young people will fall out and disagree with each other as they change friendship groups. This is a normal part of growing up. Most children will bounce back from this and we will support all our students in making new friends and dealing with any issues. A friendship breakdown should not keep a student off school.


If you have any concerns about bullying at our school you can contact us on:

 01623 843517 or


Useful Websites

In recent weeks we have seen an increased number of students having or using vapes on school site.

Students have been buying single use vapes, which are often brightly coloured, so they look like highlighters, and are fruity flavours. These flavours often appeal to young people. Students have been purchasing these from the internet and some local retailers are also selling them to young people.

It is illegal for a shop/website to sell a vape to anyone under the age of 18.

You can report a shop or website at

While vapes are used to help adult smokers to quit smoking cigarettes there is no reason that young people should start vaping.

There are a range of health risks to vapes. Single use vapes, which are the easiest to obtain, have been found to contain metals such as lead, nickel and chromium. These metals are all poisonous and should not be inhaled or ingested.  Vapes are also addictive and contain nicotine. An addiction to nicotine can increase anxiety and stress as the young person struggles to control their addiction. Vapes should not be used to deal with mental health or anxiety issues. They will make them worse. If your child is using a vape for these reasons, please contact us on

01623 843517  


DSL— Designated  Safeguarding Lead.

A member of staff who has had advanced Safeguarding Training. Usually a Head of Year.

DBS— Disclosure and Barring Service.

Used to make safe recruitment decisions.

MASH—Multi Agency Support Hub.

The NCC  single point of contact to report all safeguarding concerns.

 CP– Child Protection.

A specific issue that a student needs protecting from.


The whole school approach to keep our students safe and aware of risk so they can thrive as individuals.

Early Help

Intervention to prevent a situation from escalating into abuse.


Team Around the Child.  A meeting as part of Early Help to create a plan to  support a child.


Team Around the Family. A meeting as part of Early Help to create a strategy to support a family.


Nottinghamshire Safeguarding Children Partnership. A partnership of organisations in Notts that work to safeguard children.