Students will draw upon a range of texts as reading stimulus and engage with creative as well as real and relevant contexts. Students will have opportunities to develop higher-order reading and critical thinking skills that encourage genuine enquiry into different topics and themes.
Paper 1: Explorations in creative reading and writing
Paper 2: Writers’ viewpoints and perspectives
Additional Information
There are no set texts for this part of the course, although, you should read a variety of non-fiction and literary texts to prepare you for the exam.
English qualifications open doors to college courses, and are highly regarded by universities and employers. Some careers involving English skills include: journalism, publishing, law and marketing.
For English lessons, you will need to bring the following essential equipment: pen, pencil, and ruler.
100% examination
Reading: You will analyse a range of unseen modern and pre-20th century non-fiction and literary extracts.
Writing: You will be required to write one non-fiction text, such as an article, letter, website entry or a speech for a specified audience and purpose. In addition, you will write one creative text—either a description or a narrative—prompted by an image.